Eating good in the..

2008.03.26Oh.. wrong slogan, different restaurant. The techs are trying to console me.. my favorite tech actually took me (and the Canadian) out to lunch today at Chili’s. I had a chocolate milk shake it made me smile.

I heard from the hospital today, they say that my brother should make a full recovery so I’m very glad of it, he’s due out tomorrow! I’m so very happy that he’s okay.

Last Night

Last night as they were leaving work the techs and I were having a friendly conversation sitting on the hood of my favorite tech’s car. As the conversation wound down the Canadian and the other tech left for home, leaving myself and mft to continue our conversation. At some point he turned around and forgot I was there, so I ended up traveling home with him under his windshield wiper.

I spent the night there, at least it was dry, he retrieved me the following morning. I’m kind of upset at him for forgetting about me, I think I might run away.


It smells horrible in here….the people next door are burning their rotten hay again and it smells so bad.. Even a customer’s baby was choking and my favorite tech started complaining as soon as he walked in.

I swear it smells like burning used hay from a horse stall in the hell is that supposed to relax people who are being stabbed for therapeutic purposes? If this is what their business smells like, no wonder their customers pay to be stabbed.