So Excited!

2008.08.25I got so very excited! My favorite tech told me there was a restaurant dedicated to waffles!! It’s called Waffle House! Can you believe it? Whoever thought up this place is a genius!

I visited one and was looking forward to having waffles again, it’s really too bad they didn’t serve chicken with them…

In the end the waffles were flat and sadly disappointing… I will have to continue my search for a great waffle place. I still miss Home Plate Cafe.

Too Hot To Work

2008.07.01It’s far too hot to work today, I just want to nap and sleep.

Thank goodness My Favorite Tech brought me this drink. I may have expired without it. I also like his nuts that he brought in for us to eat, they are very salty and yummy.

I’m going to visit my brother Lyle next week, yay!

Horrible News

2008.05.20I came into work this morning, having spent the night at my favorite techs again, and discovered to my horror that the Ninja has only been lying in wait! I found another brother of mine, Ernest, like this, a note from the Ninja telling me it was him and he was still after me nearby.

I now believe that the rest of my family is in horrible danger. The ninja has now killed two of my brothers, leaving me notes on both occasions. I was feeling so secure that he was going to leave me alone and now I don’t know what to do. Why is he doing this to me?

I am now once again, a mourning duck.

Mourning Today

2008.04.24The other week I had introduced my valued readers, you, to my brother. I’m sad to report that he has passed away.

I had left him in the care of my favorite tech over night last night, but when I arrived at work this morning I found him like this…

There was a note nearby from the Ninja.. I’m next.