
2008.03.23I’m lost. No one has told me where I am. I keep asking, but instead of telling me they just pat me on the head, or pick me up and throw me.

I’m writing this near this cliff in this forest. I’m frightened and alone.

I hope I didn’t make the wrong decision.

Quick Note

Sorry no pictures right now, just barely have time to write this. A nice fellow has given me a ride but he’s in a hurry! We’re going north. I can’t wait to see where I end up!

I’m getting hungry though, I hope we stop for something more than fuel soon!

On the road

2008.03.21I did it! I started hitchhiking northbound! Sticking my wings out and hoping for a ride. A nice trucker took me all the way to this rest stop, I wonder how far I am from Nevada or Utah. I don’t know where I am at all, I should have brought a map. I know the techs will miss me, but I have to do this!

Last Night

Last night as they were leaving work the techs and I were having a friendly conversation sitting on the hood of my favorite tech’s car. As the conversation wound down the Canadian and the other tech left for home, leaving myself and mft to continue our conversation. At some point he turned around and forgot I was there, so I ended up traveling home with him under his windshield wiper.

I spent the night there, at least it was dry, he retrieved me the following morning. I’m kind of upset at him for forgetting about me, I think I might run away.

Swim with the fishes

2008.03.20bFor lunch today the Canadian, the other tech and I went to Long John Silver’s! It was quite enjoyable, I must say the texture of tartar sauce is very strange feeling on your butt, especially when compared to marinara sauce.

The other tech thought his shrimp was rather tasteless, but the Canadian seemed to enjoy his fish pieces. I stole a fry from one of them, and it was rather plain.

Once again, my favorite tech was absent from our lunch trip, how sad!