When Chicken Attacks

2008.04.092008.04.09cAll four of us went out today to Home Plate Cafe for lunch.

OMG! It was the best lunch ever! Fried chicken and waffles!

The other tech had told us about this before but wow! Until you have had food like this you don’t know what living is. Unfortunately while eating his second piece of chicken, the other tech was attacked by some hot grease from it. He’s ok though.

My Favorite Tech, the poor guy, missed out because he is on a diet and all he had was iced tea!

Another Day, Another Burger

2008.04.082008.04.08bAfter working at the co-lo some more this morning with the Canadian tech, and working on some servers with the other tech in the office. They liked my help so much that they treated me and my favorite tech to lunch at Cheeburger Cheeburger. I had the full pound burger, and loved it! Yum yum!

When you eat a full pound burger there they take your picture with a stuffed burger and put it on the wall, it’s silly fun.

On The Road Again

2008.04.07a2008.04.07bOne of my favorite tech’s favorite sayings is “On the Road Again”, he refers to himself as a trucker tech. I recently got to go on-site to a co-location facility with the Canadian and the other tech. We spent a lot of time there working on cabling and mounting servers into the rack.

Once the servers were mounted and the OS was installing on them, we decided to go to lunch. After some round-about driving, as downtown Phoenix can be confusing with one way streets and construction at random intervals, we stopped at a mall-ish type area and found a nice UNO’s to eat at.

We were called away not long after that due to a power outage at the co-location though 🙁