Ooh Rah

2008.06.26On my way back home still, I have found myself in Ouray and hungry. For some reason the thought of marines and their saying ‘ooh rah’ comes to mind while here, this also reminded me to get back into contact with my cousin who is in the marines.

It is late at night and I have found that most places were closed. The one place that is open is “The Bistro at Billy Goat Gruff’s”. It is delicious. I recommend it if you are in the area.


2008.06.25I found myself in snow! Yes.. snow in June. Freezing my tail off here. My visit with my brother was worth it though.

I’m taking a leisurely pace home. I hope to be around this weekend again.

I hear there is a great fire burning in Phoenix. I do hope everyone there is ok.

Monarch Pass

2008.06.24On my way back from my brothers I felt compelled to stop by Monarch pass. I was exhausted and needed to rest.

This was beautiful and kind of neat to sit at the continental divide!

You should visit here for sure.