
2008.04.13bI felt the need to have some wine with dinner tonight, so I went over to BevMo! to shop. They have such a fantastic selection of wines. I decided on a Pinot Grigio. I highly recommend it for a cheap wine it’s good!


2008.04.13cI mean Golfing. I decided on my lazy Sunday to go for a round of nine holes at the local course. I actually hit a birdie.. that is I got 1 under par, I didn’t hit any flying birds. I love this game, the partners I had with me were very forgiving of my newness to the game.

Fries are Nummy

2008.04.12After a nights rest I’m feeling much better. I think it may have been something I ate.

Since it’s Saturday and the techs weren’t around I decided to treat myself to a day out. The counter clerk at this fast food joint took alot of convincing that I really wanted my QPC and fries, but once I had it, it was tasty!

So Full

2008.04.11When I woke up in the office this morning I found that the internet was down, after working with the other techs on it for quite some time we discovered that it was the fault of our ISP. After having them fix it we decided that it was time for lunch.

We headed out to a new buffet today, it had a wider selection and many better foods then the previous one. Very good, but I think I over fed myself.